April 29, 2010


Food Revolution

icookreal_1a[1]Today I have a guest post at The W.H.O.L.E. Gang.  If you’re not aware, Diane has started a series of guest posts called 30 Days to a Food Revolution.  Her goal is to help people move away from eating unhealthy, processed foods to eating nourishing, real food.  Each guest blogger is offering a tip and a recipe.

My tip is to organize and plan, and in this post I want to let you know where I’m personally headed with that.  I would like to do some bulk baking and cooking, freezing the items for later use.  With that in mind I purchased these 32 Oz Plastic Freezer Jars which I found at KMart, as well as the 16 oz Freezer Jars.  My goal is to make enchilada sauce and cook some beans to go in the smaller containers.   My friend Lynn did a great video this week on cooking dried beans.  I’ll probably use the larger containers for chicken stock, and maybe spaghetti sauce.

I mentioned Sunday in my post on autoimmune diseases, that I’ve been dealing with fatigue due to thyroid problems the past couple of months.  I’ve seen a little improvement so far, but I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to do before hot weather sets in.  If I can, I would like to make and freeze:
I’ll probably think of some others things as I go along.  What are your favorite items to freeze?

I think I should start with a baking day.  Is anyone interested in joining me?


I did some freezer loading yesterday. One of the items I made are the zucchini muffins from your recipe section. Yum, those are one of my favorites.

I love having ready to go stuff on hand. In addition to items you already named I like to freeze: waffles, loaves of bread, Cookie dough and rolls/bread sticks.

I also wanted to let you know that I tried your "Sorghum Bread again" recipe and it turned out really nice. I used 3 eggs instead and modified it slightly for my kitchen aid mixer. I don't have a bread machine so I baked it in the oven. It came out beautiful!

So sorry to hear about your thyroid issues. That was my first autoimmune disease that was discovered (Graves' Disease) then Celiac, then DH... OYE! Thyroid problems are rough, they can take the life right out of you. I hope you feel better soon!

I have been dabbling in freezer cooking too (it's a life save for busy days). I make huge quantities of meatballs at a time, then freeze so I can pull out as needed. I also freeze meatloaf, and soups but want to do more, like freeze my own cooked dried beans!

So yes, I would LOVE to join you on this!
What a great idea! I can't wait to try your ideas and become more organized with dinner :)

Good idea! I like to freeze meatballs, meatloaf, homemade sauce, taco meat, soup, bread, and muffins. Those are my most common items, but I freeze whatever I can.
I think my favorite dish to freeze up is chili. It's one of my favorites, and my significant other doesn't like it much, so I make up a batch and then freeze half in individual containers.

I definitely am agreeing with the idea of a baking day. So far since the celiac diagnosis I've been trying to bake something each week.
Linda, How serendipitous! I just picked up a case of cherry tomatoes for a great price and thought, "how fun would it be to go pick up a few more cases and can or freeze some sauces!" So, thank you! You've inspired me to go out and do just that!
I freeze browned ground venison; taco meat; chicken carcasses; ham bones; little bits of chicken, beef, veggies, and broth in one container to make soup; little bits of leftover taco meat, spaghetti sauce, meatballs, etc. to make chili; and failed cookies and such, to reinvent as crusts. That all helps tremendously.

Linda, I thought of you when I saw the Updated Dirty Dozen list: http://www.foodnews.org/sneak/EWG-shoppers-guide.pdf
I like to make up soups and freeze them, and as I get better at bread, I like to freeze that too. Hoping to master freezer jam this summer - seems so much easier than canning!
Your guest post was great. I loved the bread recipe.

I definately see some recipes I want to try on your site.

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