January 14, 2009


Articles on Grains and Celiac Disease

During my break I thought I would provide you with some reading material. I have not read these articles entirely (at least not recently), so I can’t vouch for whether all the information is current. They were written by a retired research chemist who worked for the Agricultural Research Service, and I believe they are worth at least skimming for information that would interest you.

When I was diagnosed in 2000, information on celiac disease was not abundant as it is now. One of the first articles I found and read on the Internet was by Dr. Donald Kasarda entitled Grains in Relation to Celiac (Coeliac) Disease (1999). It is informative, but a bit technical which some people like. If nothing else, it’s worth taking a look at this Plant Taxonomy in Relation to Coeliac Toxicity chart.

In 2003 Dr. Kasarda wrote an article Celiac Disease and Safe Grains. Its objective is, “to review the relationship of wheat, rye, and barley, the harmful grains in celiac disease, to other grains that might suitably be included in the diet of celiac patients.” Among other topics, it includes information on sprouting and malting, alcohol derived from wheat, and wheat starch.

A third article by Dr. Kasarda is entitled What We Know About Grain Safety (2004). Its objective is, “to review the relationship of the harmful grains in celiac disease to other grains that might suitably be included in the diet of celiac patients and to discuss how the proteins of these grains relate to celiac disease and allergy.” It includes several plant taxonomy charts.

Take a look and let me know what you think.



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